Tyseley Energy Park

Situated on the site of Webster and Horsfalls 300 year old manufacturing facility, Tyseley Energy Park (TEP) is set to drive forward industrial growth alongside growth within the green technologies sector. TEP is located within an industrial regeneration area and is also zoned within the Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District (TEED).
Tyseley Energy Park Projects and Innovations

Phase One – Biomass Power Plant
On the first phase of Tyseley Energy Park, £47 million was invested into a 10MW waste wood biomass power plant. This plant supplies Webster and Horsfall’s manufacturing operation and tenants across the sixteen-acre site with renewable electricity.

Phase Three – Next Generation Waste Reprocessing
The next generation of waste reprocessing technologies will be developed on phase three, using clean energy linked to city-wide grid infrastructure.
This clean energy will be used to support the growth of the Webster and Horsfall Group’s manufacturing operation helping to achieve its’ sustainability goals and reduce the unit price of products manufactured.

Phase Two – Zero Carbon Refuelling Station
Phase two at TEP is the UK’s first low and zero carbon refuelling station. Strategically located between the city centre and Birmingham airport, this station supplies public and commercial vehicles with a range of sustainable fuels that reduce emissions.

Phase Four – Continued Innovation Alongside the University of Birmingham
Phase four of the TEP site will be home to the University of Birmingham’s Innovation Hub. The first phase of the building will have space for research facilities around thermal energy storage, strategic elements and critical materials, hydrogen and fuel cells and thermo-catalytic reforming. This hub will also have facilities to support teaching and business development.
A later phase of development includes a business incubation space, skills academy and community hub. The hub will help companies successfully engage with the revolution that is happening in transport, energy and the circular economy.